

Every student had to design and produce a poster announcing the exhibition of the 2021 Dawson Graphic Design exhibition poster. We were encouraged to explore different media and techniques used in art and design. 

Resilience poster, blue and orange gradient in the background. The word resilience is written in three pieces, sideways  and takes up most of the poster

Design thinking

Resilience is the word of the year 2021 and means the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. I felt this word represented the class of 2021 well since  everyone has had a tough year with this new reality and has had to adapt very quickly. Resilience is a quality that every graphic designer uses when faced with the difficult work of pleasing clients with different styles and constantly having to adapt to the new trends.

Resilience poster is displayed multiple times, like tiles and at a 45 degree angle


The colour choice of this poster is a bright orange and a dark blue and these colors were chosen to represent how being resilient is a strong quality that asks us to get up and keep going but also shows that there were bad times to come to this.The “out of focus” background allows us to acknowledge that something is coming after graduation but it is yet to be defined by everyone.

The resilience poster is mocked up on a poster stand on a light concrete background
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Laurianebeliveau 2021